
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Too much Indepedence?

In the educational systems of America, the goal is to cultivate children with a sense of self-reliance and problem solving skills. Since young, students are taught to think independently and search for their own answers when presented with a problem. Such attitudes are essentially differentiates America’s schools from those of other countries. However, excessive stressing of the individuality may cause more harm than benefit. In my opinion, while the concept of independence is valuable for the survival in a competitive society, over-emphasis of independence actually leads to a loss of community spirit, the formation of a self-assertive attitude, and a state of social isolation.
When one relies on his or herself for solutions under various circumstances, he or she tends to become seperated from the community. Humans by nature are social animals; by isolating one’s self from others, he or she will gradually evolve a reclusive lifestyle. For instance, in the colonial stage of America, communal lifestyle was the supporting system to the otherwise isolated wilderness for frontier settlers. It was through this social interaction that the American spirit was formed and subsequently flourished. In modern society, however, individuality has dominated and the communal quality has diminished to the point where people are no longer bonded as closely as in the past.
In addition, highly independent individuals often form a strong self-serving attitude that can impede their relationships with others. Those who appreciate teamwork tend to possess amiable personalities in contrast to their self-centered counterparts. From personal experience, I have met several acquaintances, who appear intelligent with auras of self assurance; however, they predictably present themselves as self-absorbed braggarts. While they are independent and resourceful, most of the people I know try to avoid these uptight snobs. In the end, the self-sufficient qualities become a deterrent to establishing friendship.
Lastly, as time progresses, the constant stressing of independence leads to the tendency of perpetual isolation. When one is continuously instilled with the concept of self-reliance, he or she experiences an internal pressure to become a problem solver. While most master this process naturally and successfully, some inevitably fail and resort to animosity towards others. The inability to cope with one’s limits in being independent, partly contributes to the rising violent acts and hatred within our society. Such conclusions can be drawn from various criminal studies in which most subjects exhibit anti-social or “lone wolf” behaviors.
To sum up, it is necessary to cultivate a sense of independence and individuality as long as it does not interfere with one’s communal interaction. The balance of self-reliance and the concept of teamwork enhances one’s abilities while minimizing the stress. In other words, the ultimate goal of education is to motivate independent thinking without placing each onto the pedestal and losing touch with reality or overly relying upon others.

- Comfy Pillow

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